Happy 7 months Sawyer Marguerite!! |
Sunday, December 2, 2012
7 months old
Monday, November 19, 2012
6 months old
-hasn't started crawling yet, but she turn herself a full 360 degrees when she is playing on her belly.
-will not stay still during diaper changes. She is constantly trying to flip herself over so she can play.
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Our happy 6 month old!! |
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Posing for a picture at daycare |
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1st time in her new carseat. |
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Enjoying a visit from her cousins Rylee and Alli |
Eating squash for the 1st time at Nana's. |
Saturday, September 22, 2012
5 Months Old
4 months old
Mommy's first day back at work! |
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Having fun at daycare :) |
Monday, August 6, 2012
An Ear Infection and a 30 Year Anniversary Celebration...
Sawyer is recovering from her first ear infection...I guess I should say that I'm recovering too. Our poor little girl has had a tough few weeks. We've been dealing with lots of fussiness and lack of sleep. Sawyer started waking up in the middle of the night (luckily just once a night) and she started fighting naps BIG time. There were a couple days where she only took ONE twenty minute nap and it was only while being held by me. It all started with the 12 week growth spurt. From what I've read, these growth spurts last anywhere from a couple days to an entire week. Sawyer's growth spurts like to last for that entire week. (I'm sure you could tell that just by looking at my chunky monkey haha) Well once we got over that growth spurt, Sawyer caught the cold/congestion that Dusty and I had. Once the congestion was gone, we still had a fussy little girl on our hands. We figured it was teething from all the drool and fussiness, but we were wrong. I took her into the pediatrician to have her checked out because I knew there was just something that wasn't right. Sure enough, she had an ear infection! It was mild, not full blown so that was a plus. We got hooked up with some Amoxicillin and we were good to go. I have to admit I was a tad bit jealous that Sawyer got to have the pink bubblegum medicine that I absolutely LOVED when I was a kid. My mom even told me that I better not be sneaking any drinks of that creamy pink goodness ;) Unfortunately two days later Sawyer woke up and looked like she had been slapped in the face. The left side of her face and her left ear were bright red and hot to the touch. We had to go back to the Dr. and get a new antibiotic and numbing drops because apparently Amoxicillin just wasn't getting the job done. We are on day 5 of the new antibiotic and we are back to sleeping through the night and getting back to good naps during the day. Our daily and nightly routine are falling back into place now that our sweet baby girl is feeling better and can sleep soundly. HALLELUJAH!!!
Along with tending to a sick baby, we celebrated my parents' 30th wedding anniversary this past weekend. As luck would have it, my parents had planned for the celebration to be in Granbury so everyone could make a little weekend trip out of it and come visit our little home. No, we didn't house the whole family, but we had lots of visitors :) Everyone was able to play and enjoy Granbury before having dinner that evening. After dinner, the whole gang came to our house so we could put Sawyer down for the night. The guys hung out outside while the ladies were inside watching home movies from my middle school and high school days that my parents brought from home. We had so much fun watching the videos especially since Brittney was over and she was in every single one of them with me....I guess that's what happens when you've been best friends since the age of two. Many of the videos were of us in high school cheering at the pep rallies and football games. While watching them, I realized that Sawyer will be able to watch her mom and dad on the same home videos. I never thought about it before, but all the videos from my junior year of cheering have Dusty on them also because you can't record pep rallies and football games without getting the football players in there. DUH! We even have him on there dressed as a cheerleader doing cheers and chants from the homecoming pep rally. PRICELESS! I can't wait for Sawyer to watch them one day!
I know I had so much fun visiting with family and close friends all while celebrating my mom and dad's 30th wedding anniversary. I hope they had just as much fun as we did, and that it is a memory they can cherish forever. I cannot thank my parents enough for setting such an amazing example for my brother and I of what a marriage should be. One of my goals in life has always been to have a marriage as successful, loving, and strong as my parents. I know Dusty and I are only 2 years in, but I look forward to the day where we are celebrating our 30th anniversary surrounded by our family and friends. Dusty and I both look up to my parents so much and are very thankful for the wonderful example they set for us and the rest of our family. Thank you Mom and Dad for setting such a great foundation for Joey and me to base our marriages and families on. We cannot thank you enough for that!
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OH.MY.WORD this cake was to die for!! |
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! |
Pshhh...ear infection?? Who cares...it's bath time so I'm happy!! |
Great Grandma, Sawyer, and Nana at the pool |
3 month picture |
Stylin' with her shades at the pool |
Sunday, July 22, 2012
3 months old!
3 months old |
Watching TV with Daddy. |
-She loves being outside! If she is fussing or crying, walk outside and she'll instantly get quiet. It's like magic!
Hanging out by the pool at Nana and Papa's. |
Ahhh! This is the life! |
Yippee! I'm 3 months old! |
Her favorite toy ;) |
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Oh how our lives have changed!
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Sawyer Marguerite Williams |
Caddo Lake/2 Year Anniversary |
1 day old |
Sawyer's dedication at church on Mother's Day |
4th of July! |
Ella's 2nd birthday party (It was a PJs and donuts party) |
First bath |
First shopping trip...to Target of course!! |
1 month old! |
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1st play date |
She is so good at the pouty lip, she can even do it in her sleep. |
Those hands won't stay out of her mouth! |
.Love. |
2 months old...the 2 sides of Sawyer ;) |
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Hanging out at Nana and Papa's |
That right thumb is her favorite. |
I just can't get enough of this sweet face! |
Sunday, January 8, 2012
I’m still here!!
I know it’s been months since I’ve posted…it seems like once I had actually had some interesting things to write about I just couldn’t find the time!! I’m sure most of you know by now but in case you don’t, Dusty and I are expecting our baby girl April 22nd and we cannot find enough words to express how excited we are!!
Our “reveal” to my family, everybody say “Lauren’s pregnant!”
I am 25 weeks along and feeling great :) However, I couldn’t say the same for the 1st trimester. I don’t know why they call it morning sickness when mine liked to hang around ALL.DAY.LONG. This was another reason for no meal plan postings…I couldn’t even stand to look at recipes online much less cook them. Thankfully my doctor prescribed me what I like to call the miracle pill…you may know it as Zofran. The 2nd trimester has been much MUCH more kind to me and besides the occasional bouts of indigestion, I have no complaints. I am absolutely in love with feeling our baby girl move around inside my tummy and sharing every moment with Dusty. My next appointment is on the 19th for another another ultrasound and glucose testing. Here are our first pictures of Sawyer Marguerite.
My mom, sister in law and nephew came to visit yesterday and help clean out the room that will be Sawyer’s nursery. The room was previously housing all sorts of random things from wedding scrapbook items to Dusty’s hunting gear….needless to say, it was time to clean out and organize. Mom, Melanie and I went to work while Dusty and Grayson hung out and poked in from time to time. After a lunch break and some play time at the park, we were finished! The room is cleaned out and ready for paint, furniture and carpet…I’m only tackling one project at a time people. We did get her closet started and somewhat organized. I can’t believe how many clothes she already has and we still have a huge tub full of clothes that are waiting to folded neatly in a dresser. See for yourself!
Hopefully we’ll get the room painted within the next couple weeks and then get new carpet and furniture next month. Hopefully I’ll keep up with the blogging better than I had been recently so you’ll all be able to see pictures. Now that the holiday season has past and things have slowed back down to a normal pace, I am hoping I will be back to blogging on a weekly basis. I hope everyone had an AMAZING Christmas and a great start to the new year! The holidays were extra special for us this year, not just because we had an extra blessing to be joyful for, but because Dusty was not working or on call for Christmas! This was the first time in 3 years that Dusty and I were able to be together for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. We were so blessed and thankful that his new job that he started in October gave him 4 days off for Christmas and 4 days off for New Years! Dusty and I loved soaking up every minute with our family and friends during the Christmas and New Year’s festivities. We found ourselves eagerly looking forward to next Christmas when we will have our 8 month old little girl here to share it with!
A pretty good “bump” picture…, I’ve been really bad about taking those so this is all I really have.
Now that I’ve updated you all…it’s time for me to get ready for the week! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!