Sunday, July 22, 2012

3 months old!

3 months old

Here is the top news from Sawyer's life at 3 months old:
-She weighed in at 16 lbs. this morning. She was 14.2 lbs and 24 inches at her 2 month appointment back in June which put her in the 95th percentile for both. (We've already established that she is a very VERY good eater)
-She started sleeping through the night at 9 weeks old. Not gonna's pretty amazing! She currently goes to bed between 7 and 8 pm and sleeps until 7 or 8 am. Dusty and I consider ourselves pretty dang blessed that we've got such a good sleeper on our hands.
-She still doesn't sleep well in her crib--the longest nap was about 20 minutes. We'll just stick to the bassinet for and keep trying the crib every once in a while for naps.
-She still absolutely despises tummy time, which in turn makes Mommy hate tummy time because it's torture watching her cry. We TRY to do it every day, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. I have to pick those times very wisely because if she has just eaten, is cranky or tired, she's going to let me hear it!
-Speaking of choosing those times wisely--Sawyer is already showing us her lovely temperament....she can go from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds!! We have nicknamed her eyebrows the "eyebrows of fury" because when she gets mad...they get RED! I think we are going to have a very strong-willed and temperamental child on our hands, but I wouldn't change a thing! I love her strong personality :)
-She LOVES standing and pushing with her legs. She rocks herself in her rock n' play by pushing her feet against the bottom.  You can even see some little leg muscles underneath those squeezable rolls!
-She is so smiley and talkative. The gooing and cooing makes my heart melt, especially when she is having those talks with her Daddy. She talks to him more than's the sweetest thing to watch.
-Many of those talks happen first thing in the morning. I have to wake up early to pump and not too much later, I'll hear lots of goo's and coo's from Dusty and Saywer. I love walking in our bedroom and seeing Sawyer laying in our bed with her Daddy (who has pulled her in so they can talk) just cooing and gooing away along with lots of smiles. This is definitely a favorite part of my day!
-She likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Phineas and Ferb (Daddy and Sawyer watch P and F together)
Watching TV with Daddy.
 -The 12 week growth spurt has been a killer (more so on our house than me)! She was permanently attached to me, if it wasn't to nurse, it was just to be held. I'm not complaining about having her attached to me so much, it's just that I wasn't able to get ANYTHING done around the house. She decided that she didn't want to take good naps for few days. Those few days were the hardest! At most, she would take a 20 minute nap a day and it had to be while I was holding her. If I put her down, she would wake up and it was a scream fest. I am thanking the Lord that she is back on a good nap schedule!!
-She loves being outside! If she is fussing or crying, walk outside and she'll instantly get quiet. It's like magic!
Hanging out by the pool at Nana and Papa's.
Ahhh! This is the life!

-She is drooling and blowing bubbles like crazy! I wouldn't be surprised if she cuts a tooth within the next month...we'll see!
-Her right thumb has become her best friend. We try to replace it with the pacifier because that will be an easier habit to break, but that only works sometimes. If she's asleep in her bassinet, you better believe you'll see that right thumb in her mouth. There is even a picture of that in my previous post.
-Lastly....I am finding it hard to put her down when she falls asleep because she is just growing so fast. It is so bittersweet because I look forward to all the things to come, but at the same time, I don't want her to get any bigger. I know that is something every mom feels, but it's just so hard! I had to buy 6 and 9 month clothes just to make it through putting away her clothes that were too small. I needed to have something to look forward to! 

Yippee! I'm 3 months old!
Her favorite toy ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Oh how our lives have changed!

Needless to say, SO MUCH has changed since the last time I posted! If I were to try and catch you up on everything, we'd be here all night so I'll just talk about the most important things which is pretty much one and only thing...SAWYER :)
Sawyer Marguerite Williams
Our precious baby girl was born April 21, 2012 at 8:24 pm. Sawyer was 8 lbs. 8 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. There truly are not enough words to express how much we are in love with our sweet blessing from above. This post will probably be chocked full of pictures since she is already 3 months old. I still cannot believe that it has already been 3 months since she made her arrival. These past months have flown by and it is breaking my heart that she is getting so big so fast! Not going to lie, I got a little emotional this past week when going through her closet to put away the clothes that she can't fit into anymore. I know that there are SO many amazing things to look forward to, but I just can't help but get a little sad that it's going by so quickly. 

I am kicking myself for not keeping this blog updated..during the pregnancy and up until now. There are so many things that I want to write down so I don't forget them, but I just don't even know where to start! I guess I'll just begin with where we are at now....

Sawyer is exactly 3 months old today and we attempted to get her pictures taken at was an adventure to say the least. This momma will most likely NOT be trying that again. I think I'll stick to working with a photographer that doesn't try to cram people in even when you make an appointment. Not having to feel rushed or crazed is well worth the extra money if you ask me! We got one good picture out of the whole mess, but that's all I needed...just that one good picture. I will say though, my favorites so far have just been the sweet, precious moments I capture with my handy iPhone. If you follow me on Facebook then I am sure you have noticed that it did not take long for me to go into full on mommy mode with the pictures. I just can't stop taking them and posting them!! My sister in law told me within the first week of having Sawyer that it was very obvious I was a mommy now. My Facebook page was covered with pictures I had posted of her...and it has been that way ever since! 

Obviously this summer has been, hands down, the best summer ever! I have been enjoying every single second that I've been able to spend with Sawyer, Dusty and our family and friends. My summer started a little early--5 weeks to be exact. Sawyer couldn't have arrived at a better time. My leave just extended on into the summer so I've had a long summer break. We have had many, MANY lazy days (my favorite days with her by far), shopping days with Nikki and Hailey, Jayme and Jordan, Aunt Melanie, and of course Nana! We've even had some shopping days with Daddy (mostly grocery shopping, but hey shopping is shopping). We have spent many summer days at Nana and Papa's house so we can visit with them and Uncle Joey, Aunt Melanie, Grayson and Ella. Sawyer has been to her first play date (not that she played much) and her first birthday party. And of course summer wouldn't be complete without a summer vacation. This year we went to Caddo Lake along with my mom and dad (Nana and Papa). Dusty and I also celebrated our 2 year anniversary while we were there. 
Caddo Lake/2 Year Anniversary
I know I said this in my last post, which was 7 months ago buuuut I'm really going to keep up with blogging now. So get ready to read and keep up with the Williams! I'll leave you with some pictures from these past months :)

1 day old
Sawyer's dedication at church on Mother's Day
4th of July!
Ella's 2nd birthday party (It was a PJs and donuts party)
First bath
First shopping Target of course!!
1 month old!
1st play date
She is so good at the pouty lip, she can even do it in her sleep.
Those hands won't stay out of her mouth!
2 months old...the 2 sides of Sawyer ;)
Hanging out at Nana and Papa's
That right thumb is her favorite.
I just can't get enough of this sweet face!