Monday, November 19, 2012

6 months old

Today marks the first day of Thanksgiving break and in the past this would mean sleeping in until 10:00 or maybe even later. However this year, here I am waking up at 5:00 a.m. to pump and get ready before Sawyer wakes up. As I was sitting on the couch watching the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas, drinking my coffee, and pumping (yes, I've learned how to multi-task), I thought about how different this year is from all the past years. All those little sacrifices, like waking up MUCH earlier, getting ready as quickly as possible in case she wakes up early, scheduling everything around her feeding and nap schedule....they couldn't be more worth it!! As tired, frazzled and unorganized I may be at sometimes, I wouldn't change it for the world.

I know I am almost a whole month late on this 6 month post...maybe it's because her turning 6 months was so dang hard for this momma! I know she is still so little, but oh my word it's just all going by too fast! 

 Sawyer at 6 months (October):

-weighed 20 lbs. 10 oz. at her 6 month checkup and was 27 inches long!
-has her two bottom front teeth and she cut them like a champ...they just popped up 
-still sleeping about 10 hours at night in her crib
-getting much better at taking naps during the day on the weekends (even though she still naps better at daycare than at home with us)
-had baby food for the 1st time...let's just say she's not a fan of squash
- thinks it's a game when Daddy feeds her dinner--she likes to blow/spit it out at him. I think it's pretty funny
-she eats her cereal in the morning and veggies at dinner
- has finally gotten used to her new carseat in Momma's car (she wasn't too fond of it at first)
-is a little charmer and a BIG ham! We can't go anywhere without people stopping to ooo and awww over how cute and happy she is (this proud momma isn't complaining though--I agree with them)
-has mastered the art of sitting up on her own. YAY!
-LOVES eating mum mums and can even pick up pieces and successfully (sometimes) put them in her mouth!
-is such a Daddy's girl. 
-loves just sitting with Daddy and watching TV. She won't do this with anyone but him.
-rolling is how she gets around. She'll roll from one end of our living room rug to the other.
-hasn't started crawling yet, but she turn herself a full 360 degrees when she is playing on her belly.
-will not stay still during diaper changes. She is constantly trying to flip herself over so she can play.

Our happy 6 month old!!
Posing for a picture at daycare
1st time in her new carseat.
Enjoying a visit from her cousins Rylee and Alli

Eating squash for the 1st time at Nana's.