Wednesday, January 2, 2013

8 months old!

At 8 months old, Sawyer....
-weighs close to 23 lbs
-has mastered the pincer grasp and loves to feed herself puffs, cheerios & -fruit and veggie chunks
-is ALLLLMOST officially crawling...she'll crawl a couple "steps" and then lay down and reach for what it is she's wanting
-likes to she tease Mommy & Daddy..we'll think she's about to crawl and then she just decides to sit up instead and smile at us. 
-met Santa Claus!! 
-upgraded to a new stroller :) we love our new UPPAbaby Cruz!!!
-still refuses pureed fruits or veggies
-loves her yobaby yogurt for breakfast
-had a smoothie for the first time...that girl uses a straw like a champ!
-got her first UTI :(
-has 8 teeth! 5 of those chompers were coming in all at once...whew! This led to Sawyer getting her very own amber teething necklace :)
-eats 3 solid meals a day with bottles/nursing in between
-wants to feed herself...she's start refusing if you try to put the food in her mouth
-enjoyed her first Christmas and New Years! 
-very rarely likes to hold still..this makes for difficult diaper changes
-laughs harder than ever when ticked on her ribs