Jansen Taylor Williams was born Monday, October 21, 2013 at 7:53 AM. He weighed 7 lbs. 10z and was 20 inches long. I was shocked at his weight! I was so sure that he was going to weigh at least 9 lbs because of how hard it was on my body to carry him those last 6 weeks!!
I'm going to fast forward to where we are now so I can start doing my monthly updates. Those of you that follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram have seen the countless number of pictures I've posted of him in the past two months!
2 Months Old
-weighed 11 lbs. 13 oz at 2 month checkup
-22 1/2 inches long
-nights look like this: 4 hour stretch of sleep, then up every 2 hours. I am praying we'll be getting more sleep by the time I go back to work. 2 weeks left!! :(
-he's a momma's boy and I love it!
-will only take a bottle if you position him like he is nursing.
-starts daycare on Monday...eeeehhhh. I don't think I'm ready yet!
-smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen a baby smile. You can't help but melt when he smiles and coos at you :)
-my skinny little guy is starting to chunk up! His cheeks are growing by the day and he's filling out all over. I'm still not used to having a baby that doesn't have 3 rolls on each arm. hehe
-his ear molds come off next week. He got them on to smooth out the rim kinks he had...we had no idea that was something that could be done, but apparently it can! He has had them on since he was 2 weeks old.
-His best naps are taken in his car seat after he's fallen asleep in the car.
-He is boycotting the Ergo now...I'm so not happy about this and am praying it's a short lived phase.
-He is the happiest baby unless he is gassy and unfortunately that happens A LOT! We should probably take out stock on Colic Calm and Tummy Calm. It's our saving grace!
-His belly button herniated when he was in the NICU for rhinovirus (3 weeks old), but it looks like it's finally starting to go down.
-He enjoys tummy time much more than Sawyer did. He'll even fall asleep sometimes!
-He reminds us so much of a little old man. He dozes in and out of sleep when he's nice and comfy. He has a receding hairline. And his ear molds look like hearing aids. I can't help but laugh sometimes at my cute little old man!
-He is beginning to like the swing...he hasn't been a fan of it until recently.
-Jansen celebrated his 1st Christmas!
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Our 1st Christmas as a family of four! |
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Happy boy on Christmas morning |
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Getting ready to go to Great Grandma's on Christmas Eve |