Saturday, March 1, 2014

Our Sweet Boy is 4 Months Old

I swore I was going to be better about posting this time around, but I'm still finding it hard to actually make myself sit down and do it! Two little ones under the age of two and teaching keep me pretty darn busy. Not to mention, Jansen still isn't the best sleeper so as soon as he's down for the night, I'm pretty quick to follow!

JT @ 4 Months:

-weighs 16 lbs and is 25 inches long 
-Finally took his first nap in his crib on 2/1
-found his feet and always tries to pull his socks off
-sucks on his hands like there's no tomorrow
-moved up to 5 oz bottles (3 oz formula & 2 oz bm)
-shrieks and screams so loud & high pitched, I swear he's going to break a window
-is a drooling machine
-has gas that stinks worse than a grown man''s unbelievable
-is down for the night between 7:30 and 8:00. 
-has slept through the night a couple of times, but majority of the time he still wakes up once or twice to nurse (no real consistency on times) 
-up for the morning @ 5:30 on school days, around 6 on the weekends
-learned how to blow raspberries and does it non.stop. 
-Both kids will be blowing raspberries in the backseat (Sawyer thinks its funny to copy Jansen) so when I go to get them out...SPIT is everywhere!!!
-got to use his jumper for the first time and he LOVES it! He jumping away as I type
-has the cutest giggle and ohhh the belly laughs....swoon!
-the smiling and talking is pretty much constant 

This momma has been blessed with two extremely happy if only we could make that two awesome sleepers! ;)

Partying with her shades and yes that's her potty...don't worry it was clean!

 making a pizza!
 sweet morning stretches
 lunch break while shopping with Nana

Rocking the boots, bib and no pants...