Monday, June 27, 2011

Hello There Blog World!!

So after almost a month off of work with absolutely NOTHING taking up my time or attention, I guess it's time to start being productive and put an end to being a lazy bum! I wasn't sure how long it would take for me to reach "bored status" being that this is the first summer I haven't been taking summer classes, working, planning a wedding, getting married, etc....apparently I now know that 3-4 weeks is my breaking point!!

I've flirted with the idea of blogging for a little over a year, but I honestly don't feel like my life is anything anyone would be DYING to read about...but I've been cooking a lot lately and getting into some D.I.Y. projects so I thought why not work some of that in here. I'm a 23 year old newlywed...{about to celebrate our 1 year anniversary--do we still qualify as newlyweds??} I just finished my first year of teaching the best grade ever--KINDERGARTEN!! I have no kiddos yet, which means all the cute pictures you'll see on here will be of my adorable neice and nephew who I! So needless to say, this blog will be a hodge podge of weekly menus, recipes, D.I.Y. projects, and updates in my CRAZY.BEAUTIFUL.BLESSED life!



  1. This will be fun to follow, as I love to cook too and love sharing recipes with friends. BTW, you forgot to mention that you are one of the best Kindergarten teachers!! :-)

    Maybe I should start a blog too. LOL. I am constantly sharing photo's of various creations I cook up on FB, and I know people are probably sick of it. Hmmm....

    Happy Anniversary and yes you are still a newly wed. ;)

  2. Aww thank you :)

    Yes, you should definitely start a blog! I would love to follow it!!
