Monday, June 30, 2014

Favorite Things - June and the Nerium Giveaway Winner!

I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for their Favorite Things party. Here are a couple of my favorite things under $10!

I absolutely loathe the sticky feeling of aloe vera so when I found this after sun aloe lotion I had to try it. We go on 3 field trips a week at the day care and 2 of those are usually swimming so my shoulders and arms are getting quite a bit of sun. This lotion really helps keep them moisturized and if I get a little pink, it helps keep from peeling. It's right over $10.00 on Amazon but it's only $4.97 at Walmart.

Thanks to Melanie, I'm able to drink my venti iced Starbucks for only $3.91. I used to laugh at Melanie's lengthy order but now I do the same thing. Venti iced coffee with whole milk, 3 splendas and one pump of hazelnut....mmmm so good! I'm so thankful for my sweet husband that will stop on the way home from his workouts every morning at 5 AM to buy me my favorite coffee :) 

I have tried countless brands of mascara over the years. I've tried mascara that costs $5.00 and I've tried mascara that cost $30. I always, always go back to these two mascaras. Out of all the mascaras I've used, these two are by far my favorite. They give me length and volume without any clumps. Yes, I use two me weird but it works for me. :) Best mascara I've ever used for less than $10 a tube...can't beat that!

And now for the winner of the NeriumAD giveaway.....

Drumroll please.........

Congratulations Shannon!! I'll get you that NeriumAD ASAP!! Thank you to everyone that entered!



  2. Thanks so much for linking up!! We use that aloe lotion ALL YEAR LONG! Love your blog!

    1. Thanks Erika! I love reading your blog! As a fellow momma of two little ones so close in age, I find your blog and Shay's blog extremely helpful!! I love how y'all keep it real and aren't afraid to let your readers see that it's not all rainbows and butterflies all the time ;)
