Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just call me the bag lady

I've always been a sucker for bags and that love of bags has only gotten worse since I've had kids. I've been called a bag lady more times than I can count but I don't care. I will never be one of those women who can carry a small purse and that's it. My purse will always be huge and always be full. Aside from my purse, I carry two diaper bags and two lunch bags (if I'm taking the kids to daycare). Both of the kids' diaper bags and lunch bags are ThirtyOne and I LOVE them! I've had several different types of diaper bags, but ThirtyOne is by far my favorite brand.

I use the Retro Metro for Sawyer and the Retro Metro Fold-Over for Jansen. Both of the kids have their own thermal tote as well. I pack Sawyer's breakfast in her's and Jansen's bottles and food for the day go in his. I also have a thermal tote for my lunch bag that I take with me to work. Are you starting to see why I get called a "bag lady"? On a typical school day during the year this is what I have when I leave the house:
-Sawyer's Retro Metro bag
-Sawyer's thermal tote (I put this in her Retro Metro bag)
-Jansen's Retro Metro Fold-Over bag
-Jansen's thermal tote (also put this in his bag)
-My thermal tote
-My Organizing Utility tote (I use this as my school bag)
-My purse

I also have the zipper pouch for each kid in their diaper bag (this holds their diapers and wipes) I love these zipper pouches! They are the perfect size and you can use them for just about anything.  I used the thermal zipper pouch to store pumped milk after having Jansen and it was awesome. You can find it HERE.

 The kids' diaper bags, lunch totes, and zipper pouches. 

 Packed and ready to go to daycare.

This reason alone can show why we don't need to have another kid any time soon. I literally do not have enough arms to carry everything. I hardly have enough to carry both kids and bags at the same time! Props to all you mommas that have more than 2 kids under the ages of 3!

Next on my "to-buy" list is the Picnic Thermal Tote
I have been eyeing this for lunches and snacks by the pool. This would also be perfect for our picnic lunches when we go on our little "outings".

I am in desperate need of a pool bag to hold our towels, swim diapers, etc. and this would be perfect! There are 23 different prints for this utility tote (this is just my favorite). This tote is normally $35 but if you spend $35, you can get it for $10!

I would use this to hold my keys, phone, and any money or valuables while we are at the pool.

If you are in need of some organization or bags, go shop my online party going on now through Wednesday, June 25th! Melanie is a Thirty-One consultant so I definitely take advantage!! You can shop the online party HERE.

Melanie posted this picture earlier today. She's ready for the pool with her Thirty-One bags (and a Vera Bradley too)

Check out this month's specials! 

If you have any questions, email us at or


  1. I love love love 31 & loved this post!! I never bought any until last summer, and I am seriously addicted!!! If I did not already have a few close friends who sell it & just bought some things I would totally buy from your show!! But I SO enjoyed reading your uses for all of them! I feel like I have so many & need to be better at putting them to GOOD use! You did a perfect job of explaining just how to do that! <3 <3 <3 p.s. Love your blog design!!

  2. Thanks Shelby! I've been buying for a few years now...but my addiction has definitely escalated since having the kids. I've tried so many different bags and you just can't be the quality and durability of ThirtyOne. Plus I'm a sucker for all things that can be customized or monogrammed!

    Love your blog design too! Andrea is amazing!!!
