Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday Tips

I'm not sure how great I will be at giving "tips" on Tuesdays....but I'll definitely try ;) Melanie and I both have money saving tips for you today so get ready!

The first tip that I could think of off the top of my head was Amazon Mom/Subscribe and Save. I used to be an avid Diapers.com shopper and that was my go-to for all things baby/kid related (and still is sometimes), that was until I discovered Amazon Mom and the subscribe and save option on Amazon.com.

Sidebar tip first:
I use the Honest Company diapers for Sawyer because she has such sensitive skin and those seem to work best with her skin. I signed up for the diapers and wipes bundle to be sent to our door every 5 weeks. With that bundle, we get 6 packs of diapers and 4 packs of wipes for $80. The diapers are adorable and fun, plus they are made without any chemicals! Sawyer loves getting to pick out which diaper she wants to wear. Anytime I can give her some ownership with something and let her have a choice...I do it!

Back to my original tip -- Amazon Mom is amazing and by far the cheapest way I've found to order diapers, wipes, and most things baby/family related. I'll link in all the details to having an Amazon Mom membership because I don't want this post to get too extremely wordy. But the most important thing is that this membership is FREE and it SAVES you money. My brother would say those are two of his favorite words! Click HERE to learn the specifics behind Amazon Mom.

When you have a Prime account (which I HIGHLY recommend if you are a frequent Amazon shopper) you can opt into the subscribe and save program. When you schedule 5 or more autoship products each month, you automatically save an extra 20% of your order. It's easier than you think to find 5 products that you use each month. I actually have 6 items currently being shipped to me each month (not including the ones that ship every two months). Here are my items that I have in my subscribe and save "cart"
-Jansen's wipes
-Jansen's diapers
-Both kids' night time diapers
-Sawyer's allergy medicine
-Sawyer's vitamins
-dog food
-Oil of Olay shower lotion (this stuff is amazing!)
-Tide Pods (shipped every 3 months)

I'm telling you, this is such a money saver for us! I double checked and it costs $44 at Walmart for Jansen's diapers. Through Amazon, I pay $37.75. If I were to buy Jansen's formula at Walmart, it would cost me $132.92. I pay $105.57 through Amazon...that's a $27.35 savings!!! That's more than one can of formula.
Sidenote: I don't know why people gripe about diapers being so expensive, the formula is ridiculous!! Sawyer was only on formula for a month before switching to cow's milk so this is a whole new world for me. Holy cow, I am really wishing my milk supply would've lasted longer!

For those of you who don't have kids...the subscribe and save program isn't limited to those who have an Amazon Mom membership. There are so many items in the Subscribe and Save "store" that aren't baby or kid related. Now go and save some money!!

And if you want to read even more money saving tips, go check out Melanie's Tuesday Tips HERE. She's talking about summer fun on a budget. We all know that as fun as summer is, it can get pricey with all the outings and such. Melanie has great ideas to solve summer boredom and stay within your budget!

Any questions or ideas for a post? Email us!


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