I've been planning on doing this blog post for a while because I get so many questions about Nerium and anyone that knows me knows that I can talk...A LOT. This post is not to "push" a product or "up my sales". This is simply a post to finally say all I've wanted to say about the different products I've tried for my skin and what my skincare regimen is now and why I love it.
When people send me messages asking about Nerium, there's a lot I want to tell them but 1. I don't want to type that much every single time nor will I get the chance to finish before I have someone crawling up my leg and 2. sometimes it's hard to tell someone how much you love a product without feeling like you sound like a salesperson. It's funny because I feel that once someone knows that you sell a product, this switch goes off in their head and any time you mention that product, they think "Oh, they just talk about how much they love it because they're trying to get you to buy from them". BUT if you are just someone who loves a company and raves about the products you use from them, people listen and are more tempted to try it out as well. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my personal experience. Once people think your only intentions are to sell the product, their belief in your words go out the window.
So please, forget that I'm a brand partner for a few minutes as you read and know that I am writing this as someone who just loves this product.
A few months after having Sawyer, I noticed that my skin just looked dull and lifeless. Yes, I know I had a newborn and the sleep was minimal, but I wanted to do something to make my skin better. I realized that regardless of how my skin looked or felt, I really needed to start taking better care of it because I'm not getting any younger (unfortunately). I got sucked into an infomercial for Meaningful Beauty--you know that skincare line that Cindy Crawford pushes. Helloooo gorgeous Cindy Crawford skin!! Why would I not want to try it?! Well I did and my face felt like it was ON FIRE!!! Whatever that melon concoction was did not agree with my skin. Needless to say, I sent it back.

The next thing I tried was Rodan & Fields and I loved it! I mean really loved it. I really don't have anything negative to say about Rodan & Fields products. They are great and I never had a problem with the products or the company. I used them for about 8 months or so but I will say I wasn't always consistent with the skincare regimen. That's the main reason I stopped using R&F. My nightly regimen consisted of the daily cleansing mask that I needed to leave on for 2 minutes, the toner, and then the night cream. In the morning was the same thing, just with the day cream instead of the night. That didn't include any anti-aging/preventative products that I wanted to use. Y'all...by the end of the night, I'm tired...the less I have to do to get ready for bed, the better. There were too many nights that I was just downright lazy and didn't want to go through my "steps". Consequence of that would be my face breaking out...no bueno.

Right after I had Jansen, I kept seeing Facebook posts about Nerium. I was interested so I messaged the girl that I was friends with that was doing the posting. A couple videos later, I decided I wanted to try the product. All the science behind it was incredible and the before and after pictures were unbelievable! I'm not by any means "old" and don't have have lots of wrinkles or saggy skin BUT I knew that I wanted to use something that could help with the bags under my eyes, large pores, overall skin texture and most importantly for me PREVENTION! I tanned in tanning beds all through high school and part of college and I knew that wrecked havoc on my skin. I want to start taking care of my skin now so it won't ever get to the point where I'm unhappy with it. Within the first week, my skin was softer and I noticed my makeup went on more smoothly. I've been using it since November (a little less than 8 months) and I've never been happier with my skin! People always ask me what are the main changes I've noticed. Here you go: overall skin texture has improved, pores are smaller, bags under eyes are better, tighter skin, fine lines are diminishing, makeup goes on smoothly and my skin doesn't get as oily throughout the day. I used to have to reapply pressed powder routinely throughout the day. I only have to do that once now! My skincare regimen is so much faster and simpler now. I wash my face with my $5 purpose face wash and my clarisonic mia brush and then put on my Nerium...that's it! In the morning, I do the same but use the day cream. Yes, my skin will break out periodically but that is because I am only human and I have hormones and stress as well as everyone else. Curse those stupid hormones! And well, if you ever want to know if I'm stressed out, just look towards my face. It's always been that way and I don't think that anything will ever change that.

I was hesitant at first because of the pricing (as is everyone I think), but the 3URFREE program lets you get your product for free each month when you have 3 friends sign up as well. Plus, I realized, "I don't want to spend that much on my skin that I'll have for the rest of my life, but I'll spend it on a pair of jeans?" Once I thought of it that way, I realized it's a better buy to insure good skin versus a pair of pants haha. Plus I added up what I spent on the Rodan & Fields line that I used plus the anti-aging I would be buying and it was a substanital difference in pricing. Less money and less steps...SOLD!
That is my "skin testimony" as a 26 year old mother of two little ones...not as a Brand Partner for Nerium.
I did not become a brand partner with Nerium so I could push a product just to make some extra money. I simply joined this company because I absolutely loved their product and thought it would be fun to be a part of a team of these amazing ladies. If I could get my product for free AND make a little extra money on the side...why not?!
This company is amazing and I love being a part of it. The support is unbelievable and the friendships these women (and yes, men too) form is beautiful. I have never heard one negative thing come out of anyone's mouth...EVER! These people are extremely positive, happy, and don't hesitate to do whatever they can to help someone out.
Having a full time job as a teacher during the school year, working at the daycare during the summer, being a wife to my husband and mommy to my two little ones leaves very little time for me to devote to Nerium. I don't make it to the events, group meetings or many of the team calls, so needless to say I'm not as active in the company as I would like to be. That being said, my team is extremely understanding of that and it's awesome.
I like to have my Nerium parties once a month that way if someone hasn't been able to make a previous one, they have more than once chance to come. Plus if any of my preferred customers are working on referring their 3 friends to get their product for free, they can bring them too :) If anything, it's a chance for my fellow mommies to have an hour or two away and just hang out with some friends. I don't know one momma that can say they don't need that! If you ever want to come and hang out, let me know...I don't care that you have no interest in the product-- I promise no one will be pressuring you to buy anything.
If you want to see my before/after picture, I'll be happy to email them to you. If you want more information you can always check out my website (tons of awesome before/after pictures and videos) or email me with questions. I'm here to help!
I am giving away one bottle of NeriumAD night cream to one lucky reader!! Just follow the rafflecopter steps and I'll announce the winner on Monday!!
And if you haven't checked out
Melanie's Tuesday Tip, you need to go check it out!! She already got me hooked with this tip!
a Rafflecopter giveaway