Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Faves!

I'm linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for Friday Favorites today. Melanie and I have been doing Friday Faves for a while but we figured it would be fun to link up every once in a while!

Here are my favorites from this week!


I am IN LOVE with my Baby Brezza Formula Pro and have been from the second we bought it. Jansen has been on formula since about 5 months and this makes the whole making bottles process so much easier!!! I'm short on time right now but I plan on writing about the Baby Brezza on my next Mommy Must-have post. If you have any questions about it before then, just email me at


Amanda and Katie are two of my closest friends even though we live hours away from each other. I'll always love Granbury for bringing these two into my life. All three of us are in different places now but that hasn't changed a thing in our friendship. We truly pick up where we left off every time we get to spend time together and that is what true friendship looks like. No, we don't talk every day or get to see each other anywhere near as often as we would like to, but no one gets upset over that. We understand and respect the fact that we are wives, moms, and teachers and we lead busy lives. The ongoing group texts we have going on make me laugh and feel as though we aren't hours apart, but instead sitting in a booth at Chuy's (Amanda and Katie...this needs to happen ASAP!)


Those of you who know me or have been following my blog have read about Claire. Claire is Katie's daughter and she is currently recovering from her open heart surgery this morning. Praise the Lord that her surgery went well! Thank you SO MUCH for every single one of you that lifted up Claire and her family in your prayers. Katie said to me today that she now fully understands the saying "to have the faith of a child" because Claire's faith through this has been like a rock as it always is. She gets it from her momma and her daddy though because Katie is by far the strongest woman I know and the faith that she and Dean have is amazingly inspirational. God's work and love flows through that family! His hands have been wrapped around Claire since the day she was born and that was evident again today.

Claire Jordan, I hope you know how many hearts you have touched and how many people have witnessed God's power, love, and glory through you.


My sign should say Sonic AND Starbucks. I've already confessed my love for Starbucks so today you get here me talk about my favorite Sonic drink. It's not really anything fancy but that Sonic ice could make pond water taste good...okay maybe not so much but you get where I'm going with this. 
My go-to Sonic drink is their Unsweet Mango Iced Tea. Key word is UNSWEET people. I made the mistake of getting sweet tea with mango once and I couldn't even choke down two sips. Way way WAY too sweet. The mango flavoring adds enough sweetness to the unsweet tea to be refreshing and oh so yummy. Go out and getcha some!! 

Don't forget to stop by Melanie's blog and check out her Friday Faves HERE!

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