Monday, July 28, 2014

Mommy Must-Have

On Friday, I shared that one of my favorite items was the Baby Brezza Formula Pro. I feel like this item deserves its own post because it's just that awesome.

Let me start off with saying that Sawyer was breastfed for 11 months so having a baby that decided he didn't want to nurse anymore after 5 months was a little heartbreaking for me. After trying everything I could possibly research to keep my supply up, we eventually made it through my stash of frozen milk. Jansen was officially a "formula" baby and I was left with feeling like a first time mom again. There was just more to do than I was used to...not to mention figuring out which formula would work best for Jansen's sensitive tummy. We adjusted to making sure we had enough bottles with us whenever we would go out. Instead of sending frozen milk to daycare, we mixed the bottles the night before. It wasn't was just different. It took quite a bit of time for me to be "okay" with the fact that I didn't nurse Jansen as long as Sawyer and to not feel guilty about it. 

I don't remember where I saw the Baby Brezza Formula Pro for the first time...possibly in a magazine. Anyways, I was intrigued with the idea of anything that would make our lives a little bit easier. This is basically a Keurig for babies--they need their milk just like we need our coffee. No more having to mix a bottle and then put it in a cup of hot/warm water to warm it up. This incredible thing makes a bottle in less than 8 seconds and it's the perfect temperature (98.6). 

The water chamber holds 50 ounces of water and keeps it warm the entire time it is on. We keep our on all day and then turn it off as soon as we make Jansen's last bottle for the night. We make his bottles for daycare before we go to bed in the evening. It's usually about 3 hours after Jansen goes to sleep so the water in Baby Brezza has cooled back down to room temperature. Since you aren't supposed to refrigerate bottles once they've been warmed, we turn it on and then make his 3 bottles before the water has a chance to warm all the way back up. 

The Baby Brezza holds a whole container of formula at a time so no more having to scoop out formula for each bottle. Maintenance is a breeze -- just wipe the excess formula build up from the dispenser every few bottles with a dry paper towel and that's it. It's priced at $150 but I'm telling you it is worth every single penny! It's such a time saver and extremely convenient. When you have a hungry, crying baby on one hip and a toddler clinging to your leg, this is a life saver ;) 

We bought ours at Target but you can find it on Amazon HERE.

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