Tuesday, July 22, 2014

On my list....

I have a "wish list/to buy list" that I'm always adding to. I would say it's more of a wish list than a to buy since I do more wishing than buying. Let me warn you that it is full of randomness ;)

THIS duvet from Pottery Barn is exactly what I've been looking for to add some color to our bed. 

I NEED to get all the music off of my phone because it is taking up way too much storage! There's no way I can go without having my music (and Sawyer's too) so this iPod nano is on my list. 

Dusty bought me a new silver watch for my birthday that I love and wear all the time but lately I've been itching for a gold watch too. I used to never wear gold but I've been drawn to it a lot more lately and I just can't bring myself to wear a silver watch with gold earrings and/or necklace. Not wearing a watch in my profession doesn't work for me so I'm going to need to get myself THIS gold watch soon! 

Chanel Chance Fraiche is by far my favorite perfume. I usually don't buy the same perfume two times in a row because I get tired of the same fragrance. It's been about a year since I've used this one so I'm ready for it again! It's one of the few that I've found that has a scent I like when I first put it on as well as the undertones throughout the day. Plus it LASTS! I love that the undertones don't necessarily smell like your normal "perfume", it just smells so.flippin.good.

Melanie raves about THIS Laura Geller Bronze-n-Brighten so it's definitely on my list. Melanie dedicated a whole post yesterday to her favorite make-up picks that she uses every day. Her makeup always looks flawless so if you want to check it out, click HERE. 

If you have any questions or post ideas for us, send us an email!

Lauren @ laurenlou5644@yahoo.com
Melanie @ melroseacker@yahoo.com


  1. That duvet cover is gorgeous. Did you know that PB stuffs two comforters in their duvets to make them look so fluffy! ;)

    1. Kristin, I had no idea!! Those sneaky PB people ;)

  2. I love the bronze-n-brighten!! You should definitely move it from the wishlist to the to buy list! :)

  3. That duvet is beautiful! That would be the perfect to add color to a bedroom! Stopping by from the link up :)

  4. That bronzer is on Haute Look today... $20!

  5. I just got on there to buy it and they were out of the one I need :(
    Thank you so much for letting me know!!

  6. Stopping by from the link up. Love that duvet! So colourful!

    Come by and say hi www.itsagirlgirlworld.blogspot.com
