Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekly Recap

I don't know if it's just me but July has FLOWN by! Teachers go back on August 14th so I feel like the summer clock is ticking....I'm not ready for it to end!!!

I worked at the daycare on Monday so the kids and I didn't get home until around 4:30 and then it was just our normal evening at the house.

One of Sawyer's teachers braided her hair...totally felt like a failure as a "girl mom". I'm in awe that they were able to get her to sit still for that long. I can barely get a ponytail in her hair and if I'm really lucky, I can get pigtails in there.

This is what her hair looked like when we took it down to get ready for her bath....

I die. This makes me laugh every.single.time. 

Tuesday evening was the first night of our women's bible study and Melanie and I couldn't be more excited! It ran way late because we chatted more than expected, but I am extremely excited about the fellowship and growth in my faith with this bible study.

On Wednesday Jansen went to daycare and Sawyer had a playdate with her buddy Juliette. Juliette is in Sawyer's class during the school year but doesn't go during the summer. Lori and I knew that we would have to have playdates during the summer so these sweet girls could get their playtime in! Plus Lori and I get time to catch up too...and of course talk school stuff too. We teach at the same elementary school :) 

We had an early dinner Chic Fil A play date with Melanie and the kids and Courtney and her three kiddos. I didn't even realize that I didn't get any pictures until I started working on this post. I told you I wasn't too great at taking pictures throughout my days. I promise I'll get better! 

Jansen said "Ma-ma" for the first time on Thursday!!! Bout dang time! 

Let's follow mom into the bathroom....

The look on his face...pretty sure she was telling him "Go way bubba" 
#littlebrotherproblems #mommaneedsapottybreakinpeace

The Perot Museum was on the agenda for Friday but I realized on Friday morning that I had a massage scheduled at noon. I didn't want to try and rush our way through the museum (especially since it was our first time) so we went to plan B. A quick trip (so not possible) to the American Girl store to get a couple of new outfits for our dolls and to see Grandma Carla. Once again...shame on me for not getting pictures. This could've been due to the fact that she had two minor meltdowns while we were there. And when I say minor I mean we were laying on the floor BUT there was no kicking or screaming (that qualifies as minor right?) Now leaving the store was quite the sight I'm mom was carrying a crying and wiggling toddler across the street as I was pushing a stroller with her new doll stroller in the stroller seat. Yeah that's right, I was pushing a stroller carrying a doll stroller. Good times.

All is right with the world after a nap :) 

Stacking her letters. 

If you follow me on Facebook then you probably have seen Sawyer's "Goooodbyeyuh" video. This girl was all about telling herself goodbye in the mirror over and over again. It's the little things :) 

The weekend was spent with family and we had lots of fun. My grandma came over to visit with us and the kids Saturday morning and then my parents and Kent came over that evening. Sunday morning was church and then Dusty's parents, my parents and Kent came over for an early dinner. Definitely the best way to end the week and get ready for a new one. 

 JT didn't get steak like everyone else but he wasn't complaining. 

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