Monday, July 7, 2014

Mommy Must-Haves Monday

This past week has been really busy but full of fun...I'll post a weekly recap on Wednesday. I'm trying to be better about taking pictures throughout our days so I'll have some photos to post along with the weekly recaps so bear with me.

Here are a couple "Mommy Must-haves" for you this week:

I found these fruit snacks on my last Costco run and we love them! Costco sells them in a pack of 40 for about $11. Sawyer is obsessed with fruit snacks and asks for them more than any other snack. I love that these are organic and have 100% of her daily dose of Vitamin C. In my world, that means that I don't have to feel guilty about letting her have them at 6:30 AM when she asks for "froo nacks". 

Date Nights

Date nights are a major must-have for this mommy and daddy! We are so blessed to be near family that will watch Sawyer and Jansen once a month so we can have a night out with each other. I know that every momma can understand when I say this: Dusty and I spend plenty of time together, but that time is usually spent chasing two little ones, cooking, cleaning, chasing while cooking and cleaning, and running errands and playing with those munchkins. Dusty and I have amazing teamwork in this whole parenting thing and we enjoy every minute with our kids, but we also don't want to miss enjoying our time together as husband and wife. Our last date night was at Shenaniganz and as you can see in the picture above, we had our fair share of fun! I've got a bucket list of date nights for the two of us and I cherish every new memory I get to make with my sweet husband during these dates. 

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